Graduate study Fellowships

Make your choice:

Initial two-year Master’s degree (2-year Fellowship)
Complementary Master's degree
Master in Law LL.M.
MBA (2-year Fellowship)
How to apply

Graduate study Fellowship for

An initial two-year Master’s degree in the US during 2026-2028.


These two-year Fellowships are outright grants for holders of the university Bachelor’s degree wishing to obtain an initial two-year Master’s degree in the U.S.A..

Financial support:

  • For the first year of the Master’s programs up to $72,000 ($22,000 for stipend and up to $50,000 for tuition and health insurance).
  • For the second year of the Master’s programs up to $40,000 for tuition and health insurance, subject to obtaining an outstanding GPA for the first year.

Applicants should apply to the Foundation during their last year of bachelor studies or have obtained their corresponding Bachelor’s degree after January 1, 2025.

Fellows are expected to stay in the US for 2 full academic years at a top university.


  1. Hold the Belgian nationality;
  2. Hold a Bachelor’s degree at the time of activation of the Fellowship;
  3. Submit official transcripts of 120 credits as evidence of an outstanding Bachelor’s study record;
  4. Submit an application to a two-year Master’s program in the U.S.A.;
  5. Have a good command of English and submit by November 15, 2025, a TOEFL iBT score of >100/120 or IELTS >7.5/9;
  6. Submit GRE test results (VR>155, QR>155, AW>3.5) or equivalent graduate admission test results.

Deadline for application:

Before October 31, 2025 for graduate study in the U.S.A. during the two academic years 2026-2027 and 2027-2028.

If you are interested to apply, please fill out the eligibility form:

Graduate study Fellowship for

A Complementary Master’s degree* in the U.S.A. during 2026-2027.
*: except for LL.M.


The Fellowships are outright non-renewable grants for one academic year:

  • Up to $72,000 for Graduate study – Master ($22,000 for stipend and up to $50,000 for tuition and health insurance).

Applicants should have obtained their corresponding Bachelor’s degree after January 1, 2022.

Fellows are expected to stay in the U.S.A. for a full academic year (nine months) at a top university.


  1. Hold the Belgian nationality;
  2. Hold a Master’s degree at the time of activation of the Fellowship;
  3. Submit official transcripts as evidence of an outstanding Bachelor’s or Master’s degree record;
  4. Submit an application to a graduate program ( Master’s) in the US;
  5. Have a good command of English and submit by November 15, 2025 a TOEFL iBT score of >100/120 or IELTS > 7.5/9;
  6. Submit GRE test results (VR>155, QR>155, AW>3.5) or GMAT test results (VR>38, QR>44, AW>4, IR>6, total >700).


Deadline for application:

Before October 31, 2025 for graduate study in the US during the academic year 2026-2027.

If you are interested to apply, please fill out the eligibility form:

Graduate study Fellowship for

The first year of a PhD program in the US during 2026-2027.


The Fellowships are outright non-renewable grants for one academic year :

  • Up to $72,000 for Graduate studies – Ph.D. ($22,000 for stipend and up to $50,000 for tuition and health insurance).

Applicants should have obtained their corresponding Bachelor’s degree after January 1, 2022.

Fellows are expected to stay in the US for a full academic year (nine months) at a top university.


  1. Hold the Belgian nationality;
  2. Hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree at the time of activation of the Fellowship;
  3. Submit official transcripts as evidence of an outstanding Bachelor’s or Master’s degree record;
  4. Submit an application to a PhD program in the US;
  5. have a good command of English and submit by November 15, 2025, a TOEFL iBT score of >100/120 or IELTS > 7.5/9;
  6. Submit GRE test results of (VR>160, QR>160, AW>4.0) or equivalent graduate admission test results.


Deadline for application:

Before October 31, 2025 for graduate study in the US during the academic year 2026-2027.

If you are interested to apply, please fill out the eligibility form

Graduate study Fellowship for

An LL.M. degree in the US during 2026-2027.


The Fellowships are outright non-renewable grants for one academic year:

  • Up to $50,000 for an LL.M. degree towards tuition and health insurance.

Applicants should have obtained their corresponding Bachelor’s degree after January 1, 2021.

Fellows are expected to stay in the US for a full academic year (nine months) at a top university.


  1. Hold the Belgian nationality;
  2. Hold a Master’s degree in law at the time of activation of the Fellowship;
  3. Submit official transcripts as evidence of an outstanding Bachelor’s and Master’s degree record;
  4. Submit an application to an LL.M. degree program in the US;
  5. Have a good command of English and submit by November 15, 2025, a TOEFL iBT score of >100/120 or IELTS > 7.5/9.

Deadline for application:

Before October 31, 2025 for graduate study in the US during the academic year 2026-2027.


Application process:


As a candidate to a BAEF Fellowship for a LL.M. degree, you will need to start the process about one year before your academic year in the U.S.


There are 4 simultaneous actions to undertake:

  • Apply to a minimum of 3 US Universities – Law Schools, although we recommend 5-6 well-known US Law Schools as the admission process is rather competitive. Each US university has its own application requirements and deadlines;
  • As an international student you will need to pass the English proficiency tests  TOEFL or IELTS . In regard to the LLM application process to the US Law Schools, they may recommend that you uses the LLM CAS – LL.M. Credential Assembly Service and more specifically for international law degree students the LLM – DAS Document Assembly Service :
  • Apply to the BAEF : Deadline October 31
  • Look for additional financial support (Fulbright, Fernand Lazard Foundation, Rotary, Vocatio, bank loans, etc.).


How to apply to BAEF:


The application process is organized as follows:


1. Fill out the pre-eligibility form online.

Mid-July – end of October

The eligibility form is available online. BAEF will ensure that you meet the initial requirements for the BAEF Fellowship.

If eligible, you will receive in due time (after August 15) the link to the online application file form


2. Complete the application file online.

Deadline October 31

Your application file will include:

  1. An autobiographical essay (no more than one page)
  2. A carefully prepared statement covering the following:
    • A plan of the studies you propose to undertake
    • The reasons why you wish to study in the US.
    • The benefits you expect to obtain from such studies.
  1. List of the 3 minimum US universities considered or more.
  2. Your academic transcripts
  3. Required English proficiency test results, if already available.
  4. Portrait picture.


3. Reference letters and test results

Deadline November 15

3 reference letters to be sent directly by the referees to:

Required English proficiency test results if not already included in the application file.


4. BAEF  Pre-selection Committee

End of November  

A Pre- Selection Committee will look at all written applications received and provided that you meet the eligibility requirements, you will be invited for the next step, namely the selection interview.


5. BAEF selection interviews

Last week of January

The candidate is invited to a 10-15 minutes face to faces selection interview in Brussels.


6. Notification of BAEF Fellowships


You will be notified whether you received a BAEF Fellowship.


7. Admission to your chosen US University

February – May

As proof of acceptance to your chosen US Law School,  the official admission letter must be forwarded to BAEF as confirmation of your final choice.


8. Additional financial support


A combination of scholarships and grants is accepted. However, BAEF reserves its rights to possibly reduce proportionally the amount of its Fellowship.

If full funding is provided through other foundations or institutions, the title of BAEF “Honorary Fellow” will be granted.


9. Pre-departure information meeting

Early June

Each new Fellow is invited to a pre- departure information meeting followed by a luncheon with the benefactors.


10. Period of financial support

End of August – End of May

BAEF provides financial support for the two semesters of your LL.M. program.

11. Final report

End of Fellowship

At the end of your Fellowship, you  will need to submit a final written report  to the BAEF offices.



If you are interested to apply, please fill out the eligibility form:

Graduate study Fellowship for

Music study in the US during 2026-2027.


These Fellowships are outright non-renewable grant of up to $62,000. The stipend of $22,000 is to cover living and travel expenses. In addition, the Foundation pays up to $40,000 for tuition and health insurance at a U.S. school of Music (undergraduate or graduate level).

Fellows are expected to stay in the U.S.A. for a full academic year (nine months) at a top school of Music.

Eligibility requirements:

  1. hold the Belgian nationality;
  2. hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Music or an equivalent foreign degree at the time of activation of the Fellowship or show documented evidence of exceptional artistic ability and experience.
  3. submit a recent recording of a personal performance on a Mp3 or YouTube link;
  4. the corresponding Bachelor’s degree, if any, should be obtained after January 1, 2022;
  5. submit official transcripts, if any, as evidence of an outstanding academic record;
  6. submit an application to at least three Music school in the U.S.A.;
  7. have a good command of the English language and submit by November 15th, 2025, a TOEFL iBT score of >100/120 or IELTS > 7.5/9.


Deadline for application:

Before October 31, 2025 for studies in the US during the academic year 2026-2027.

If you are interested to apply, please fill out the eligibility form:

Graduate study Fellowship for

Master in Business Administration-MBA in the U.S.A.


Candidates for a two-year full-time Master’s degree in Business Administration or Management.

May be awarded support of up to $100,000 towards tuition for two academic years of study at a US Business School:

  • ½ of the support will be an outright grant
  • ½ of the support will be an interest-free loan which must be repaid within six years after graduation.

Eligibility requirements:

    1. Hold the Belgian nationality;
    2. Hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree;
    3. Submit official transcripts as evidence of an outstanding Bachelor’s or Master’s degree record;
    4. Have evidence of meaningful work experience;
    5. Have a good command of English and submit a TOEFL iBT score of >100/120 or IELTS > 7.5/9;
    6. Submit evidence of acceptance or of  being waitlisted by one of the following US business schools for their full-time 2-year generalist MBA program in the US :


    • Carnegie Mellon University (David A. Tepper School of Business)
    • Columbia Business School
    • Cornell University (Johnson Graduate School of Management)
    • Dartmouth College (Tuck School of Business)
    • Duke University (Fuqua School of Business)
    • Emory University (Goizueta Business School)
    • Georgetown University (Mc Donough School of Business)
    • Harvard Business School
    • Indiana University (Kelley School of Business)
    • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan School of Management)
    • New York University (Leonard N. Stern School of Business)
    • Northwestern University (Kellogg Graduate School of Management)
    • Stanford Graduate School of Business
    • The University of Chicago Booth School of Business
    • University of California at Los Angeles (The Anderson School of Management)
    • University of California, Berkeley (Haas School of Business)
    • University of Michigan (Stephen M. Ross School of Business)
    • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler Business School)
    • University of Pennsylvania (Wharton School)
    • University of Southern California (Marshall School of Business)
    • University of Texas at Austin (Mc Combs School of Business)
    • University of Virginia (Darden Graduate School of Business Administration)
    • University of Washington (Foster School of Business)
    • Vanderbilt University (Owen Graduate School of Management) 
    • Washington University in St. Louis (Olin Business School)
    • Yale School of Management


Deadline for application:  Before May 1 for studies during the following two academic years.


Application process:


As a candidate to a BAEF  full-time MBA  Fellowship, you will need to seek admission to one of the 26 top listed US Business Schools on the MBA announcement. Once admitted or waitlisted, you can apply to BAEF for financial support and this before May 1st.

But you will effectively need to start much earlier with your MBA – US application file in order to seek admission at one of the US Business Schools.


There are 4 simultaneous actions to undertake:

  • Apply to various MBA Business Schools and seek admission to one of those listed on the MBA announcement.
  • Register and take the standard tests required the US Business Schools, namely the English proficiency test : (TOEFL or IELTS) as well as the GMAT or GRE test.
  • Apply to the BAEF : deadline May 1st
  • Look for additional financial support (Fulbright, Fernand Lazard Foundation, Rotary, Vocatio, bank loans, etc.).


How to apply to BAEF:


The application process is organized as follows:


1. Fill out the pre-eligibility form

All year April

Fill out the pre-eligibility form in order to ensure that you meet the initial requirements for the  MBA Fellowship.

If eligible, you will receive in due time a link to the BAEF online application file form


2. Complete the online application file form.

Deadline May 1st

Your application file will include:

  1. An autobiographical essay (no more than one page)
  2. A carefully prepared statement covering the following:
    1. A plan of the studies you propose to undertake
    2. The reasons why you wish to study in the US.
    3. The benefits you expect to obtain from such studies.
  1. Include your MBA BS admission letter and upload your US MBA application file
  2. 3 reference letters to be sent directly by the referees to:
  3. Academic transcripts
  4. TOEFL and GMAT test results
  5. Portrait picture


3. BAEF MBA  selection interviews

End of May

Based upon your written application, MBA candidate will be invited to a 10-15 minutes face to faces selection interview in Brussels.


4. Notification of BAEF Fellowships

Early June  

You will be notified by regular mail  whether you received a BAEF Fellowship and receive your Letter of Award


5. Additional financial support


A combination of scholarships and grants is accepted. However, BAEF reserves its rights to possibly reduce proportionally the amount of its Fellowship.

If full funding is provided through other foundations or institutions, the title of BAEF Honorary Fellow will be granted.


6. Pre-departure information meeting

Early June

Pre departure information meeting. Followed by a luncheon with benefactors.


7. Period of financial support

End of August for two academic years

BAEF provides financial support for the 2 year MBA program as stipulated in your Letter of Award.  



8. Final report

End of Fellowship

At the end of  your  Fellowship, you will need to submit a  final written report  to the BAEF offices


If you are interested to apply, please fill out the eligibility form:


BAEF graduate study Fellowships are available in any fields and various levels starting with the Master level:

  • Initial two-year Master’s degree (2-year Fellowship)
  • Complementary Master’s degree>
  • PhD
  • Master in Law – LL.M.
  • Music
  • MBA (2-year Fellowship)

As specific requirements and timing vary, please refer to the various types of graduate study Fellowships by clicking of the appropriate tab on the left.

If you are interested to apply, please fill out the pre-eligibility form at the bottom of each announcement.


Application process:


As a candidate to a BAEF Fellowship for graduate study, you will need to start the process about one year before your academic year in the U.S.

There are 4 simultaneous actions to undertake:

  • Apply to a minimum of 3 US Universities, although we recommend 5-6 well-known US universities as the admission process is highly competitive. Each US university has its own application requirements and deadlines;
  • Determine which standard tests are required by each university for each study program (TOEFL or IELTS, GRE or GMAT). Train yourself and take the test early enough;
  • Apply to the BAEF (Deadline October 31 except for MBA May 1st);
  • Look for additional financial support (Fulbright, Fernand Lazard Foundation, Rotary, Vocatio, bank loans, etc.).


How to apply to BAEF:


Regarding the BAEF Graduate study Fellowship itself; the application process is organized as follows:


1. Fill out the eligibility form online.

Mid-July – end of October

The eligibility form is available online. BAEF will ensure that you meet the initial requirements for the BAEF Fellowship.

If eligible, you will receive a link to your online application.


2. Complete the application file online.

Deadline October 31

Your application file will include:

  1. An autobiographical essay (no more than one page)
  2. A carefully prepared statement covering the following:
    1. A plan of the studies you propose to undertake
    2. The reasons why you wish to study in the US.
    3. The benefits you expect to obtain from such studies.
  3. List of the 3 minimum US universities considered or more.
  4. Academic transcripts
  5. Required US standardized test results, if already available.
  6. Portrait picture of applicant.


3. Reference letters and test results

Deadline November 15

3 reference letters to be sent directly by the referees to:

Required US standardized test results if not already included in the application file.


4. BAEF selection interviews

Last week of January

Based upon your written application, candidate will be invited to a 10-15 minutes face to faces selection interview in Brussels.


5. Notification of BAEF Fellowships


You will be notified whether you received a BAEF Fellowship.


6. Admission to your chosen US University

February – May

Acceptance and admission letter from US university must be forwarded to BAEF as confirmation of your final choice.


7. Additional financial support


A combination of scholarships and grants is accepted. However, BAEF reserves its rights to possibly reduce proportionally the amount of its Fellowship.

If full funding is provided through other foundations or institutions, the title of BAEF Honorary Fellow will be granted.


8. Pre-departure information meeting

Early June

Pre departure information meeting. Followed by a luncheon with benefactors.


9. Period of financial support

End of August – End of May

BAEF provides financial support for the first two semesters of your graduate studies, except for the initial Master Fellowship.

Nevertheless, BAEF expects Fellows to apply to further financial sources once arrived at their US university in order to complete their US graduate study degree.